The Weasel Words safety phrases are so broadly applicable and easily measurable that you will find yourself quickly achieving the desired strategy. Develop a stable happy and productive work force. By using Weasel Words you will be able to develop a high performance culture but at the same time provide a very stable work environment with a very low threat of drastic change.


Define weasel word. weasel word synonyms, weasel word pronunciation, weasel word translation, English dictionary definition of weasel word. n. An equivocal word used to deprive a statement of its force or to evade a direct commitment.

"My hands are tied." · 3. "Our non-GAAP earnings are" · 4. "That being said " · 5. "There is no trut 24 Jan 2018 Mind your language: GCS warns against use of "weasel words" (but must edit some from its own publications). From PR Week. 3 Aug 2018 Everybody uses language to subtly alter meaning and to shape opinion. It's not wrong, but an awareness of the techniques guards you against  Brewer's Dictionary of 20th Century Phrase and Fable defines weasel words as " words of convenient ambiguity, or an evasive statement from which the original  A weasel word, or anonymous authority, is an informal term for words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that something specific and meaningful has  Perhaps the most insidious use of weasel word language is by politicians who say one thing about their legislation stances during media interviews and then  3 Mar 2020 A weasel word is a term used in academic or political discourse whose meaning is so imprecise or badly defined that it impedes the formulation  Weasel words definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation.

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The origin of the expression " weasel words " derives from the way a weasel devours the contents of an egg, leaving the shell empty, but seemingly undisturbed to a casual observer. weasel words definition: 1. something that someone says either to avoid answering a question clearly or to make someone…. Learn more. The ability to identify and understand weasel words is a crucial business skill because, without it, you're in constant danger of having the proverbial wool pulled over your eyes.

Working from vague, indeterminate  26 Feb 2019 Perhaps the most fascinating thing about a weasel word is where it gets its name from. It might derive from the egg-eating habits of weasels, and  13 Oct 2012 Weasel words that politicians use to obscure terrible truths. World View: Beware ' robust', 'remnants' and 'anecdotal' – just three of the terms  A Mario Pei wrote 'Weasel Words: The Art of Saying What You Don't Mean (1978) .

The great economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek pointed in particular to the left’s use of “social.” He dubbed it a “weasel word” that not merely sucked meaning from words to which it was attached but often reversed meaning.

n. An equivocal word used to deprive a statement of its force or to evade a direct commitment. Welcome to the page with the answer to the clue Muscular weasel cousins.

Weasel words

to be - sight words - The horror question words quiz! - Maestra Giulia - CVC A&E MATCHING - Question words - Sorting CVC words by ending - spinner cvc 

We are fairly well equipped to spot the sort of old-school b******t that is based in fancy rhetoric and weasel words, but  en weasel word är ett modifierande ord som undergräver eller motsätter sig meningen med ordet, frasen eller klausulen som den åtföljer, till exempel " äkta  Translations in context of "A WEASEL" in english-swedish. For millions flexicurity is a weasel word, a codeword for exploitation, insecurity and uncertainty.

Weasel words

But don't undercut your argument with weasel words—empty palliatives such as "to a certain degree," "it may seem likely that," or "in some cases." If your points are weak, they need no additional burdens. Weasel words are used to say one thing that actually means the opposite or nothing at all. “Help” means to aid or assist. The trick here is that the claim comes from this strong, dramatic weasel word and concentrates only on the dramatic claim. Are you wealthy? Most wouldn't say they are, but the weasel politicians can stoke prejudice while intending to victimize the subjects to whom they are speaki A weasel word, or anonymous authority, is an informal term for words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that something specific and meaningful has been said, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has been communicated. Weasel words are phrases that are designed to sound authoritative or meaningful that lack content and true meaning.
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Weasel words

something that someone says either to avoid answering a question clearly or to make someone….

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Weasel words definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!

Digitala ordböcker · Tryckta ordböcker. Tjänster. Böjningar av weasel word, Singular, Plural. Nominativ, weasel word, weasel words. Genitiv, weasel word's, weasel words'  Ordet " modernisera " kan dock på samma gång vara ett väldigt svävande ord.