Men årets Eurobarometer är ett tecken åt att det rör sig åt rätt håll efter många och långa år. (PO) Fotnot: 1008 svenskar har tillfrågats i Eurobarometern, totalt över 28 000 personer i hela EU. Eurobarometern publiceras två gånger per år och den här är gjord i första hälften av juni, efter Europaparlamentsvalet.


Eurobarometer primary data and related documentation (questionnaires, codebooks, etc.) are made available by GESIS, ICPSR and through the Social Science Data Archive networks.

What is it? Eurobarometer surveys monitor the evolution of public opinion in all EU Member States. The aim is to assess EU citizens’ awareness of and support for the European Union's activities. Tracing public opinion trends helps the preparation of policy, decision-making, and the evaluation of the EU's work. Eurobarometer is a series of multi-topic, pan-European surveys undertaken for the European Commission since 1970, covering attitudes towards European integration, policies, institutions, social conditions, health, culture, the economy, citizenship, security, information technology, the environment and other topics. Eurobarometer surveys allow for monitoring the evolution of public opinion in the EU member states, which helps the European Commission with decision making and in the evaluation of its work.

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En nyligen publicerad Eurobarometer visar att hela 88 procent av svenskarna ställer sig positiva till robotar, vilket kan jämföras med EU-snittet på 70 procent.. I undersökningen, som genomfördes mellan 25 februari och 11 mars 2012 och publicerades på Europeiska kommissionens hemsida i fredags, ställde man frågor om EU-medborgarnas inställning till robotar. According to a new survey by the Eurobarometer, most Hungarians are extremely dismissive of LBGTI people, and the rate has greatly increased over the last few years. This attitude is consistent across most issues connected with LGBTI rights, and it is in line with Fidesz's policy. Eurobarometer Das E. ist eine seit Herbst 1973 halbjährlich durchgeführte repräsentative Umfrage in den Mitgliedstaaten der EU. Durchgeführt und koordiniert im Auftrag der Generaldirektion Kommunikation (früher der Generaldirektion für Bildung und Kultur) dient sie der EU-Kommission zur Beobachtung der Meinungsentwicklung unter der europ. What does eurobarometer mean? A system of public opinion surveys conducted regularly in the European Union.

Foto, video reportažai, komentarai, specialistų apžvalgos. De Eurobarometer is een reeks van opiniepeilingen die sinds 1973 worden uitgevoerd namens de Europese Commissie om de publieke opinie in de EU-lidstaten in kaart te brengen.

Eurobarometer is a series of public opinion surveys conducted regularly on behalf of the European Commission and other EU Institutions since 1973. These surveys address a wide variety of topical issues relating to the European Union throughout its member states.

In addition, 91% of citizens stated that climate change is a serious problem in the EU. European legislation is necessary to protect the environment, according to 83% of those surveyed. Eurobarometer gebruikt zowel algemene opiniepeilingen als onderzoeken gericht op specifieke doelgroepen. Tweemaal per jaar worden onder de naam Eurobarometer de resultaten gepubliceerd van periodieke opiniepeilingen onder de consumenten en bedrijven van de Europese Unie.


Eurobarometer is a series of public opinion surveys conducted regularly on behalf of the European Commission and other EU Institutions since 1973. These surveys address a wide variety of topical issues relating to the European Union throughout its member states.

Conducted in November and December 2020, the Eurobarometer survey commissioned by the EP polled citizens about their views on the EU and EP in particular, in the course of the pandemic. Plenary Insights – December 2020 Summer 2020 Standard Eurobarometer survey (EB93), was carried out in 34 countries or territories: the 27 European Union (EU) Member States, the United Kingdom, five candidate countries (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Montenegro, Serbia and Albania) and the Turkish Cypriot Community in the part of the country that is not controlled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus. Eurobarometern är en regelbunden opinionsundersökning om medborgarnas åsikter inom Europeiska unionen som utförs på uppdrag av Europeiska kommissionen.Sedan 1974 genomförs varje halvår en standardiserad opinionsundersökning om medborgarnas syn på deras egen levnadssituation, unionens och medlemsstaternas institutioner, europeisk integration med mera. Description.


ISBN: 0333527542 The 2010 Eurobarometer survey found that, on average, 51% of the citizens of the EU member states state that they "believe there is a God", 26% "believe there is some sort of spirit or life force" while 20% "don't believe there is any sort of spirit, God or life force". 3% declined to answer. The European Commission has published a Eurobarometer survey presenting European citizens' opinions on the impact of digitisation and automation on daily life. European citizens see digitisation and automation primarily as an opportunity but call for investment for better and faster internet services as well as effective public policy to accompany changes, in particular in areas such as Information om EU-statistik och Eurostats webbplats.
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Over half (54%) of current and former smokers began smoking before the age of 18.

This survey was designed to explore a range of aspects regarding how Internet users access -in a digital format- the following types of content online: music, films/TV series, images and news. Report Flash Eurobarometer 437. Eurobarometer, a series of surveys initiated by the European Commission, the executive arm of what is now the European Union (EU), to measure public opinion in its member states.
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Das Eurobarometer ist eine in regelmäßigen Abständen von der Europäischen Kommission in Auftrag gegebene öffentliche Meinungsumfrage in den Ländern der EU. Dabei werden sowohl immer die gleichen Standardfragen als auch wechselnde Fragen zu unterschiedlichen Themen gestellt.

On 3 February 2021, the long-awaited Eurobarometer report was published. Titled “Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes,” the survey examined European citizen's relationship with tobacco and related products. Fieldwork was conducted between August 2020 and September 2020 and involved interviews with 28,228 people from 27 The standard Eurobarometer is conducted twice a year on public opinion trends in member states and the EU, with each survey consisting of around a 1,000 face-to-face interviews per country. Other, more specific and faster surveys, the flash Eurobarometers, are done through "ad hoc thematic telephone interviews", according to Eurobarometer.